About Us

Who We Are 

Welcome to www.CodyITC.com, the heart of the ITC Family, where a spiritual community thrives, guiding individuals on their journey to connect with the spirit realm and achieve profound spiritual growth. Our mission is to help you access deeper levels of consciousness and understanding through practices like meditation, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, and more.



Our Brand Vision 

While many discover us through our popular spirit box videos, our community is SO much more. We are committed to providing a comprehensive approach to spiritual exploration that goes beyond initial encounters with the spirit realm. Our ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools and knowledge to experience profound spiritual connections independently.



Our Approach 

At www.CodyITC.com, we believe that the spirit realm is accessible to everyone. Our spirit box videos serve as an entry point, showcasing that the spirit world does indeed exist, and can be interacted with. However, true and consistent spiritual experiences come from within, through practices like meditation and out-of-body experiences. While entertaining, it’s important to view replies from spirit boxes with discernment, as negative entities can impersonate loved ones to gain access to us. This is why meditation is essential; it allows you to fully immerse yourself in the spirit realm, interact with other spirits, and learn skills to protect yourself from negative energies.



Spirit Box Sessions 

Our spirit box videos are crafted with love and respect to illustrate the presence of the spirit realm. These videos are designed to entertain and inform, serving as a stepping stone to more advanced spiritual practices. While spirit boxes provide a glimpse into the other side, we encourage our members to explore deeper methods for more profound and personal connections with the spiritual world. If you choose to interact with entities through spirit boxes, do so with caution and consider reading our free articles on basic methods of protection through meditation.



Meditation and Beyond 

Meditation is a proven method for achieving mystical experiences and connecting with the spiritual realm consistently and safely. This practice promotes neurogenesis, allowing your brain to create new connections and repair itself. Beyond spiritual growth, neurogenesis is being explored as a potential cure for neurological degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Meditation allows you to change your brain’s frequencies, enabling you to experience altered states of consciousness. These frequencies elevate your spirit and heal you on both spiritual and physical levels. Through regular practice, our members report transformative experiences that validate these spiritual truths. We offer guidance on various meditation techniques and out-of-body experiences, helping you prepare for your spiritual journey and develop skills to bridge the gap between our world and the spirit realm.



Our Community & The ITC Family 

Our community is built on positivity, support, and shared experiences. We provide a safe space for members to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. Through our Discord group, exclusive content, and personalized guidance, we foster a sense of belonging and continuous spiritual development.



Join Us 

We invite you to join our spiritual family and begin your journey toward deeper understanding and connection with the spirit realm. Whether you start with our spirit box videos or dive directly into our advanced practices, we are here to support and guide you every step of the way.



Our Commitment 

We are dedicated to transparency and honesty. While we maintain confidentiality around specific technical details to protect the integrity of our work, we are committed to providing you with authentic and transformative spiritual experiences. Our practices are designed to help you achieve a deeper connection with the spirit realm and prepare for your inevitable spiritual journey.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Together, we can explore the ultimate truth and embrace the spiritual path ahead.

Cody ITC 

The ITC Team