An Unexpected Voice in Our Princess Diana Spirit Box Session

An Unexpected Voice in Our Princess Diana Spirit Box Session

During our recent spirit box session dedicated to Princess Diana, a voice emerged that took us by surprise. Those who follow our channel might recall our previous attempt to connect with Princess Diana. While that session was intriguing, we couldn't establish a full connection with her spirit. However, this time, something extraordinary happened.

Two years have passed since our last attempt, and we returned with a renewed sense of purpose and the unwavering support of our viewer community. Our enhanced equipment, fine-tuned settings, and the guidance of my trusted spirit guide, George, all contributed to a more potent connection.

As we delved into the session, a voice intermittently pierced through the static. It was faint but distinct. Intrigued, we carefully analyzed the recordings and made a startling discovery. The voice bore a striking resemblance to Michael Jackson, whom we had also attempted to contact in a past session!

While our focus was on reaching Princess Diana, this unexpected participation adds a new layer to the experience. It raises questions about the spirit world's intricacies and the connections between souls who have passed.

ITC Family, what do you make of this? Could it indeed be the voice of Michael Jackson mingling with Princess Diana's spirit? Or is there another explanation? We invite you to watch the video, listen to the voices, and share your thoughts.

Our journey into the spirit world continues to amaze and mystify us. As we strive to connect with those who have left our world, each session unveils new mysteries and unexpected revelations. Thank you for joining us on this extraordinary journey. We look forward to your insights and interpretations of this latest, most intriguing session.

 Interested in watching this session?

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Michael Jackson Spirit Box Session

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