The CITC Portal Device

The CITC Portal Device is the centerpiece of our spirit communication setup at the Cody ITC channel. Despite its bold appearance, the Portal Device is composed of only a handful of critical components. Together, these elements form a sophisticated system that enhances our ability to connect with the spirit realm.

Key Components


  • Speaker System: The amplifier serves as the primary speaker for the Portal Device, allowing us to hear the spirits' voices with clarity and precision.

Audio Spectrum Meter:

  • Real-Time Display: Positioned above the amplifier, the audio spectrum meter detects and visually displays audio in the room in real time, providing immediate feedback during sessions.

Fine-Tuned Pedals:

  • Effects Control: On either side of the Portal, we position finely tuned pedals. These pedals control minor effects such as the level of reverb on the final output and other audio modifications, ensuring the highest quality of spirit communication.

Copper Antenna:

  • Energy Conduction: A copper antenna is placed above the Portal to assist in energy conduction during sessions, enhancing the connection with the spirit realm.

Volume Control Knobs:

  • Audio Management: Located at the top rear of the Portal are three knobs for controlling volume parameters, including overall volume, bass, and treble. These controls allow for fine-tuning the audio output to ensure clarity and balance.

Clear Quartz Crystal:

  • Energy Generation: Clear quartz crystals are incorporated into the setup to assist in generating energy for the spirits, further enhancing the effectiveness of the sessions.

Additional Devices:

  • Supporting Equipment: Below the main Portal setup, we house additional larger devices that integrate with the spirit box, such as the Noise Decimator 2, and other effects pedals including the Stardust Frequency Isolator and the Astral Wave 1 Communicator. These devices work together to provide a seamless and enhanced communication experience.

Recording Technology:

  • State-of-the-Art Systems: To capture audio with unprecedented clarity, we use state-of-the-art video and audio recording technology. Additionally, 2-Way Frequency Converters are employed to ensure the highest quality recordings.

Explore More

To learn more about the specific components that integrate with the CITC Portal Device, please visit the following pages:

Our Commitment

The CITC Portal Device exemplifies our dedication to innovation and excellence in the field of spirit communication. Each component is meticulously selected and integrated to create a system that provides clear and consistent connections with the spirit realm. We continually strive to enhance our techniques and technology, ensuring that our sessions are as effective and meaningful as possible.

For more information about our work and to explore the fascinating world of spirit communication, visit

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