Cody & the ITC Team Have Moved! (INNER CIRCLE EXCLUSIVE)

Cody & the ITC Team Have Moved! (INNER CIRCLE EXCLUSIVE)

Hey ITC Family,

We know we've been gone for a little while, and many of you have been wondering where we disappeared to. We appreciate your patience, and we’re finally ready to share some big news with you. The ITC Team has officially relocated from Canada to Alaska!

This move has been a long time coming, and we made the decision as a team for several important reasons. First and foremost, we wanted a fresh start in a place that allows us to be closer together as a team, making collaboration smoother and more efficient. Alaska ended up being the perfect middle ground for us all, allowing our members to relocate in a way that made sense logistically and personally.

One of the biggest factors in our decision to leave Canada was the increasing censorship that has been restricting our ability to freely share our research and findings. Many of you know how important freedom of speech is to us, and unfortunately, we saw the writing on the wall—Canadian laws are tightening in ways that directly impact our work. On top of that, with the concerning rise in crime and the restrictions on self-defense, we realized that staying in Canada was putting both our team and our ITC Family at unnecessary risk. The move to the United States, where censorship is less of an issue and self-defense rights are protected, was the logical choice for us.

Now, before anyone worries—this won’t change our content! We’re still using all the same equipment, including our backdrop, so our videos should look and feel just as they always have. The only real difference you might notice is a quieter background in our recordings, since we’ve moved away from the busier locations we were used to. Other than that, you can expect the same high-quality content and deep investigations that you’ve come to know and trust.

Settling into Alaska has been an adventure, to say the least. The landscape here is absolutely stunning—miles of untouched wilderness, crisp air, and a stillness that makes spirit communication feel even more profound. We’ve already begun setting up our new space, making sure we’re fully equipped to continue our work. Despite the colder climate, we’re feeling more at home than ever, and we can’t wait to start sharing our experiences from this new chapter.

For those of you looking for even more details about our move and what this means for our future projects, we’ve put together a more in-depth post exclusively for members of the Inner Circle. You can check it out here: [Insert Link Here].

Inner Circle Exclusive Update:

For our Inner Circle members, we want to disclose more deeply the reasons behind our move and what led us to ultimately choosing Alaska as our new home base. Many may not know, but here at the ITC Team, we face countless attacks on a weekly basis—ranging from cyberattacks, email threats, and hateful comments to more concerning incidents. Some individuals seem to be in their right minds, despite their deep-seated hatred for us, while others appear completely unhinged. We have even received threats in person, including alarming messages sent through the mail.

Because of this, we decided it was necessary to move and keep our exact location, addresses, names, and other personal details confidential outside of the Inner Circle. Publicizing too much of our personal information in the past has only made it easier for bad actors to target us, and we are determined to minimize those risks moving forward. Your continued support allows us to stay safe while continuing the work we are passionate about.

On top of that, we have taken major steps to bolster our security. Thanks to John, who graciously funded his own cybersecurity course and completed it in November of 2024, we are now working on implementing essential security measures across our platforms. We are also encouraging other ITC Team members to learn core cybersecurity techniques, including penetration testing, to ensure our websites and social media channels remain protected from hacking attempts.

Now that the move is out of the way, we hope to become more knowledgeable in these core areas of defense so that we can continue to keep the ITC Family safe from threats both online and offline. Until our next post, we will be diving back into our ITC research and practicing with the spirit box again to strengthen our connection after this extensive break.

Until next time, stay blessed and take care!

Much love and gratitude, Cody & The ITC Team

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