Sneak Peek: Latest Addition to Finding Frauds in the Afterlife (RAW ENCOUNTER)

Sneak Peek: Latest Addition to Finding Frauds in the Afterlife (RAW ENCOUNTER)

Many of you have already explored and become devoted fans of our evolving digital book, Finding Frauds in the Afterlife. Your support and engagement have been invaluable as we continue to uncover the truth about individuals and practices in this field.

Recently, the ITC team and I came across a situation that disturbed me on a deep level, and it only further validates the patterns we’ve exposed, especially those detailed in Chapter 6. This sneak peek into our latest findings shines a light on behavior that epitomizes the very traits we’ve been warning about, offering you yet another example of why discernment is so crucial in this space.

Take a moment to dive into this preview, and see for yourself how this incident reinforces the claims we’ve made in our work. What we’ve uncovered here is truly eye-opening, and we believe it’s vital that our community stays informed as we continue to expose the truth.

It’s quite clear from this exchange that Josh has chosen to respond to valid criticism with arrogance and dismissal, instead of engaging in a mature, respectful conversation. When Mr. E (the victim) raises concerns about the direction of his content, Josh's reaction is not to thoughtfully address the points raised, but to personally attack the viewer. He labels Mr. E as ignorant and even goes as far as telling him he doesn't deserve to watch his work anymore. This response highlights the fragility of Josh's ego and his inability to handle feedback with grace.

In contrast, we welcome critical thinking and constructive dialogue within our community. We believe that everyone, no matter where they are in their journey, deserves respect. If someone questions our work or doesn't like what we are posting, we take it as an opportunity for deeper engagement, for growth—both for us and for our audience. True spiritual development comes from being able to reflect on opposing views, rather than silencing or shaming those who express them.

An example can be seen here, where a member of the ITC Team handles a sensitive topic with a viewer from the Cody ITC YouTube channel:

In Finding Frauds in the Afterlife, we’ve documented this type of behaviour extensively—when self-proclaimed spiritual figures lash out when their authority is questioned, it often reveals a deeper lack of growth and a reliance on their audience’s validation. True spiritual leadership is built on humility, the understanding that we are all learning, growing, and that differing viewpoints can enrich the conversation. Something they proclaim to live and preach, but whose actions speak otherwise...

The manner in which Josh speaks down to his viewer, claiming that he “feels sorry” for him and implying that he hasn’t "advanced in his development," is a classic example of someone projecting their own insecurities. Instead of uplifting his community, Josh is drawing lines in the sand, segregating those who agree with him from those who don’t. This behavior doesn’t align with someone who claims to be guiding others on a spiritual path—it reflects someone who needs constant reinforcement and validation of their own views.

At the core, we focus on fostering a genuine connection with our audience. We stand by the belief that everyone deserves a voice and a seat at the table. We guide, we respond, and we grow—together. That’s what sets us apart from others who may only be seeking to silence the very people they claim to help.

As we close this sneak peek, it’s important to remember that while Josh may continue to cling to the same tired narratives, recycling old provocations and claims of superiority, we have moved far beyond those mistakes. We have grown, matured spiritually, and embraced the path of true evolution—bearing the fruit of a healthy, thriving tree. Meanwhile, Josh’s tree still produces the rotten fruit of ego and immaturity, crumbling the moment it touches the ground. Yet, we believe this is not a tree to be destroyed, but one that must be healed. This is precisely why Josh finds himself trapped, retelling the same stories—because we’ve given him nothing new to work with. We have severed all ties with him and risen above.

Occasionally, we check in to see what’s happening on his side, especially since his attacks against us remain unwarranted, while we stay focused on what truly matters: creating valuable, high quality content for all of you. And every time we do, we see the same cycle of behavior—proclaiming to be “the most realest thing there is,” while shunning those who refuse to play along in his self-appointed role. It’s a sickness we’ve seen before in the ITC field, the same “god complex” that our old friend Huff succumbed to.

At Cody ITC, we never claim to be “the chosen one” or the sole voice in this work. We don’t charge hundreds for short private sessions, nor do we seek to make people dependent on us for happiness. Instead, we encourage you to pursue your own journey, empowering you to do this work for yourselves. While none of us have had the clearest pasts, we at the Cody ITC Channel have chosen the path of transformation, opting for love and light as our guiding principles—just as we believe many spirits do.

Our focus now is solely on defending our community and delivering content that matters. Every post and every reply we’ve made has been in response to baseless attacks on us and our community. It’s become clear why Josh has become so unrestrained—he and Huff are no longer on good terms. Without that influence, he’s now more erratic than ever.

But as we outline in Finding Frauds in the Afterlife, we won’t stand by as Josh Louis continues to nip at our heels and target our community. While Huff remains out of the picture for now, we’ll focus on addressing Josh’s actions and protecting the integrity of our work. Should the day come when Josh finally ceases his attacks and follows his own advice to avoid content he doesn’t like, we will guide him toward maturity through the laws of cause and effect. Until then, he must face the karma that comes from every action he takes against us and the ITC family.

This is just one more example of our continued response to his baseless behavior, as detailed in Finding Frauds in the Afterlife. Until next time, ITC Family—let’s hope for a future where the toxicity in the ITC field is eradicated, and we can all focus on creating the quality content you deserve.

At the end of the day, Mr. Louis resorted to the only strategy he knows when faced with those who dare to question his beliefs—blocking and silencing. Both myself and the victim of his outburst have been erased from his page, as if our voices didn’t matter. But blocking doesn’t erase the truth, and it certainly won’t stop us from shining a light on the damaging behavior he continues to exhibit.

Poof! Gone… just like that, as if Josh’s problems never existed! If it weren’t for this post, this man would be just another faceless number—one more on the growing list of victims Joshua Louis has created. But thanks to this post, his story can be told, and the world can finally see the rotten fruits that Josh continues to bear. His actions are now laid bare for everyone to witness, and we’ll continue to expose the truth for those who have been silenced or cast aside.

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