Finding Frauds in The Afterlife: Will we be "Finding HOPE in The Afterlife?"

Finding Frauds in The Afterlife: Will we be "Finding HOPE in The Afterlife?"

Before we dive into the heart of this exploration, I want to set the stage for what you're about to embark upon. First and foremost, let me be clear: I am not an author. I may now make books, but I am not a writer by profession. There is a distinction there... This statement mirrors the perplexing claim by Josh Louis that he may have a YouTube channel but is not a "YouTube channel" (whatever that might entail). My venture into authorship, much like his into YouTube, does not come from a place of lifelong aspiration or trained skill. Instead, it is born out of necessity and a drive to defend integrity within a field rife with missinformation and deception.


This is my first book. And while Josh likens his relationship with YouTube in a way that suggests a casual interaction with a platform ripe with potential for misinformation, my approach to writing this book comes from a different place. It's a response, not a dismissal. It's an action taken in defense of truth, not an excuse for content that falls short. This book was inspired by the baseless accusations and claims made by HOPE Paranormal (Joshua Louis), as a means to stir up drama and views. We refuse to stand by, while we're nipped at the heels by Joshua Louis. Our book is a direct response to these unwarranted attacks, name-calling, and false claims. The names used and accusations stated are my opinion, and we encourage you to look into it for yourself to fact check information. A reliable source is YouTube. There are a lot of good videos on there discussing reliable information relating to individuals mentioned in our book.


Hearing that Josh wasn't too pleased with our video response last time, we decided to put pen to paper (so to speak) and compile a comprehensive retort in book form. It's important to understand that our intention is not to attack but to defend—defend our channel, our name, and our community from those in the field who behave more like fugitives fresh out of incarceration than the spiritual guides they purport to be.

For those readers primarily interested in the drama and the ongoing feud—that is, the view scheme Joshua Louis is launching against us, and many other channels, along with the baseless accusations—heaped in our direction, we suggest skipping directly to Chapter 6 and beyond. That's where we tackle the matter at hand, dissecting the recent actions, allegations, and the defensive measures we've been compelled to take.

To all our readers, whether you're here out of curiosity, in search of clarity, or to find solidarity in the face of deception, we welcome you. This book is more than a narrative; it's a testament to the resilience of truth in an age where misinformation can all too easily take root.

A Living Document in the Pursuit of Truth 

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment not to aggression but to clarity and protection. Our aim is not to attack the individuals mentioned but to cease the false accusations and attacks perpetuated by them. Should the day arrive when these unwarranted assaults come to an end, so too might the updates to our book, for our focus is better served in nurturing and safeguarding our community from deception.

Let's embark on this journey together, and thank you for standing with us.

Legal Notices and Disclaimers

The contents of this book, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material are for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing contained in this book is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

The views expressed in this book are the personal opinions of the author based on their experiences and research. They are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. Comments on this book by other users are not endorsed by the author and do not represent the author's views.

This book includes anonymized comments and opinions from the public and is intended to provide a forum for a broad exchange of ideas related to its topics. All names, locations, and identifying details have been changed or obscured to protect the privacy of individuals, unless express permission has been granted for their use.

While efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of information contained in this publication, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein. The author does not warrant the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this book.

Any potential legal claims or disputes arising from the content of this book or its interpretation shall be subject to the laws of Canada, and the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Canada.

This disclaimer is to be read and fully understood before using the book. By using this book, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with this disclaimer, please do not read or use this book.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of The CITC YouTube Channel

My journey into the realm of the paranormal wasn't born purely out of curiosity; it was driven by a deeply personal quest to understand death, a concept I wrestled with from a tender age. Growing up in a close-knit family, I felt the impact of each loss deeply, as if pieces of my own soul were being torn away with the departure of each loved one. This confrontation with mortality from such an early age left me traumatized, etching a quest for answers deep into my being.

The nightmares came nightly, each one a vivid picture of the fear and inevitability of death. I found myself desperate for any sign that the separation from those I cherished wasn't as permanent as it seemed. This desperation, however, slowly transformed into determination. As I moved into my teenage years, the grief remained, but my approach to coping with it shifted fundamentally. The uncertainty surrounding the afterlife became unbearable; I needed to know there was something more, a way to reconnect with those I had lost.

My initial foray into spirit communication was modest, utilizing apps like EchoVox and Necrophonic, which my family and I had once used lightheartedly. However, standing at the graves of my departed loved ones, these apps took on a new, profound significance. They were no longer mere toys but became lifelines to another world. Despite occasionally catching glimpses of meaningful messages, the randomness and brevity of these communications left me frustrated. It was clear that if I sought more substantial connections, I needed to delve deeper.

Bolstered by the faint responses I managed to capture, and with the support of friends and family who believed in my quest, I made a pivotal decision: to invest in personal equipment and elevate my spiritual journey. This led to the creation of my first Portal Spirit Communication device. Unlike the simplistic apps, the Portal was a breakthrough, offering a clearer, more direct line to the spirit world.

This device wasn't merely a piece of technology to me; it was a beacon of hope. It marked a significant leap forward in my quest for answers, opening doors to interactions I had once thought impossible. The Portal allowed me to venture into new dimensions of spirit communication, bringing a semblance of peace to my once-tormented heart.

Rooted in early losses and a relentless search for connection, this journey laid the foundational stones of what would become a lifelong mission. It's a path I walk with reverence, hoping to pass down the knowledge and experiences to future generations of paranormal researchers. This isn't just my story; it's a testament to the enduring human quest for understanding and connection beyond our physical realm.

The Night My Life Changed: A Night of Revelation

Following the initial breakthroughs with my Portal device, my journey took a deeply personal turn. The experiments were no longer solely about proving the afterlife's existence; they became a quest for reunion with the souls I missed dearly, especially my great grandparents. Their absence left a void no words could fill. I needed to know they were still here, with me.

On a night that felt heavier than most, burdened by a longing that seemed to consume me, I approached the spirit box with a desperate plea. It was more than an experiment; it was a cry from my soul for a sign, any sign, or a whisper of assurance that love transcends life and death. I sought a sign of their presence, their well-being, and the hope of our reunion.

The session initially seemed fruitless, adding to the weight of despair that had become a constant companion. As I was about to surrender to the night's grief, a last flicker of hope urged me to revisit the recording.

About five minutes into the playback, amidst the static and disjointed sounds, I found myself holding my breath. There it was—a voice unmistakably familiar, infused with warmth and strength that once grounded me in the physical world. "Hey Cody!" rang out with clarity, my great grandfather's voice reaching across the spirit realm.

Before the echoes of his voice could fade, another voice intertwined with his, a voice that had spoken words of love and encouragement throughout my childhood. "I love you, Cody!" It was my great grandmother, her voice carrying the emotional depth and affection as in life. The distortion couldn't mask the essence of her spirit, the unmistakable signature of her soul.

This moment was more than a breakthrough; it was a lifeline. The despair and doubt evaporating, replaced by an unshakeable conviction in the continuity of existence beyond the physical realm. These voices, these messages, weren't just echoes; they were proof of an enduring connection, a testament to the power of love to bridge worlds.

The impact of this session reshaped not only my understanding of the afterlife but my entire approach to spirit communication. I had transitioned from a seeker of the unknown to a witness of a profound truth—that love, indeed, transcends death.

This experience, permanently etched into my being, became the cornerstone of my mission. It propelled me forward, fueled by the certainty that our loved ones are never truly lost to us. They are always just a whisper away, waiting for us to listen, to reach out, and to reconnect once again.

As I share this part of my journey, it is with the hope that it brings peace and reassurance to others walking the path of grief and seeking answers to the afterlife. May you find your moments of connection, and may they light your way as brightly as mine have.

A New Dawn: The Journey Evolves

The profound encounters with my great grandparents through the spirit box were not just messages from beyond; they were catalysts for a transformation that reshaped my existence. Hearing their voices, filled with love, dispelled the anxiety and depression that shadowed my childhood. Their words tuned my ears to the frequency of the spirit world, unlocking a door I had glimpsed through but never fully opened.

Since that pivotal night, my life has begun anew. Each day now starts with anticipation and a smile, eager for the mysteries the spirits might reveal. The spirit world has become an integral part of my life, transforming my search for answers into a celebration of the unseen connections that surround us.

This transformation led me down unforeseen paths. Meditation, once alien to me, has become a daily practice, offering profound peace and grounding. Transcendental Meditation, in particular, has opened new avenues of spiritual exploration, enhancing my connection to the beyond in unimaginable ways. My journey into mediumship, driven by the desire to help others find solace, has allowed me to bridge the living and the departed, sharing messages of love, hope, and healing.

The impact of spirit communication on my life has been miraculous, offering sanctuary from life's storms and a platform to share this gift with the world.

The Cody ITC YouTube Channel, born from my experiences and revelations, stands as a testament to the journey of discovery and connection that awaits us all. It's an invitation to those seeking understanding, comfort, or a sense of belonging in this vast, mysterious universe.

To those on the brink of their spiritual journey, I extend my hand in welcome. Whether driven by curiosity, grappling with loss, or seeking deeper connections, know you're not alone. Together, we can explore the limitless possibilities spirituality offers, learning from the whispers of the past and the universe's knowledge for those who seek.

It's time to embark on your journey...

My name is Cody ITC, and this journey has transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I hope it can change yours too. Join us, and let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together, discovering the beauty and mysteries that lie in the astral planes and beyond.

Chapter 2: The CITC Portal Device

The Evolution of the CITC Portal Device: From Foundation to Frontier

The journey of the CITC Portal Device, from its inception to the present day, embodies a narrative of relentless innovation, experimentation, and a deep commitment to enhancing spirit communication. This evolution, marked by both technical advancements and a profound understanding of the spiritual realm, highlights the journey from a simple portal build to a complex, highly customized system that pushes the boundaries of what we thought possible in spirit communication.

The Beginnings: Laying the Foundation

Our initial foray into creating a portal device was driven by a simple yet profound goal: to establish a clearer, more direct line of communication with the spirit world. The foundational build utilized two key components: a noise cancellation pedal and a reverb pedal. These devices were not just random selections; they were chosen for their ability to facilitate clearer, more discernible spirit communications. The noise cancellation pedal played a crucial role in minimizing background noise, allowing us to focus on the essence of the messages coming through, while the reverb pedal added depth and dimension to these communications, enhancing the overall clarity and quality of the sessions.

Expansion and Experimentation

As our journey progressed, the limitations of our initial setup became apparent. The desire to explore further and to enhance the quality of our communications led us to experiment with a wider array of pedals. This exploratory phase was characterized by a willingness to push boundaries, to blend technology and spirituality in ways that had not been done before. We ventured into the realm of reverse pedals, various reverb pedals each with its unique qualities and frequency abilities, and a myriad of other options, all in pursuit of the perfect setup that would resonate with the spirits we sought to connect with.

This phase of experimentation was both exhilarating and daunting. We invested in dozens of pedals, each promising a new possibility, a new avenue of communication. However, not all were successful; many were returned as we fine-tuned our setup, guided by the responses and preferences of the spirits themselves. It was a process of trial and error, of listening intently not just to the sounds emanating from the device but to the subtle, often unspoken feedback from the other side.

The Present: A Symphony of Technology and Spirit

Today, the CITC Portal Device is a far cry from its humble beginnings. Our setup now incorporates over seven pedals, each carefully selected and integrated into a system that represents the pinnacle of our journey thus far. Due to space limitations on the portal itself, which can only accommodate about two pedals, we've constructed an exterior pedal board. This board is not just a practical solution to an operational challenge; it is a testament to our dedication to this craft. It allows us to organize and operate the pedals during sessions seamlessly, providing us with the flexibility to adapt and respond to the needs of the session and the spirits we are communicating with.

This evolution from a basic portal to a sophisticated, highly customized device mirrors our own journey in the paranormal field. It reflects a path marked by curiosity, challenge, and a ceaseless drive to improve the ways we connect with the spirit world. The CITC Portal Device, in its current form, is more than just a piece of equipment; it is a bridge between worlds, a tool that facilitates a deeper understanding and connection with the unseen.

As we look to the future, the journey of the CITC Portal Device is far from complete. The landscape of spirit communication is ever-evolving, as are the technologies and methodologies we employ. But one thing remains constant: our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible, to exploring new frontiers in the pursuit of clarity, connection, and understanding. This is not just the story of a device; it is the story of a quest, a quest that continues to unfold with each session, each discovery, and each spirit we connect with.

Navigating the Confluence of Science and Spirituality in the Development of the CITC Portal Device

In the realm of spirit communication, the intersection of science and spirituality is often marked by contention and skepticism. However, the development of the CITC Portal Device was founded on a harmonious blend of these two ostensibly disparate realms. This synergy was not achieved by diluting the principles of either field but by upholding the integrity and potential of both. Our approach was underpinned by a philosophy that respects the empirical rigor of science while embracing the profound depths of spirituality.

Innovations and Challenges

Our journey through blending science with spirituality was met with innovations that, while groundbreaking, attracted criticism from less notable figures within the paranormal community. The contention primarily arose from our refusal to obscure spirit replies with excessive reverb or other effects—a technique unfortunately favored by some as a means to mask the origins of fabricated responses. Our commitment to clarity and authenticity set us apart and, predictably, made us a target for those unsettled by our progress.

The criticism we faced was not a deterrent but a validation of our innovative approach. It underscored a fundamental difference between our objectives and those of individuals more concerned with perpetuating a façade than with exploring the truth of spirit communication. Our focus has always been clear: to provide authentic, high-quality spirit box content that respects both the spirits we communicate with and the time of our viewers.

A Focus on Authenticity and Respect

Unlike some in the field, our goal was never to prove the validity of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) to the world or to seek acclaim as renowned pseudoscientists or psychic mediums. Such aspirations, while potentially noble, were secondary to our primary aim: to deliver content that was both respectful and enlightening. Our dedication to quality, coupled with a commitment to editing out the extraneous noise and silence, stems from a deep respect for our audience. We sought to honor their time and intelligence by focusing on meaningful, coherent spirit replies, free from the clutter of irrelevant chatter or extended silences that contribute nothing to the understanding of the session.

This philosophy extended beyond mere content creation; it was a statement of our values. In a field cluttered with deception and ego-driven pursuits, we prioritized the viewer's experience and the authenticity of the communication. This approach inevitably drew criticism from figures like Josh and Steve, whose methodologies often left their viewers feeling disillusioned. Our commitment to authenticity and viewer respect distinguished us from such practices, earning us the trust and appreciation of those who value genuine spirit communication.

Embracing Viewer Feedback

The feedback from our viewers has been instrumental in shaping our approach. Unlike those who may prioritize profit over integrity, our focus has always been on delivering content that resonates with our audience on a meaningful level. This attention to viewer concerns and opinions is what separates us from the frauds within the paranormal community. The positive response from our viewers, many of whom have expressed disillusionment with other channels, affirms our commitment to this path.

Navigating the intersection of science and spirituality in the development of the CITC Portal Device has been a journey marked by challenges, criticism, and, above all, profound learning. Our dedication to blending these realms with integrity, respect, and a focus on authenticity has defined our work. In doing so, we have not only advanced the field of spirit communication but have also fostered a community built on trust, curiosity, and a shared desire to explore the unknown.

Chapter 3: A Quest for Truth

In the realm of the paranormal, the journey is as much about the discovery of unseen worlds as it is about the path we tread in the physical one. For Cody ITC, this path has been paved with integrity, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to truth. As we've ventured into the depths of spiritual communication, our guiding principles have not only shaped our research but also the community we've built around it.

The Foundation of Our Work: Integrity and Innovation

At the heart of Cody ITC's mission is a dual commitment to integrity and innovation. Our explorations into spirit communication, particularly through the development of the CITC Portal Device, have been marked by a dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, while maintaining an ethical approach that respects both the spirits we interact with and the audience we share our findings with.

From our earliest videos to our most recent sessions, our aim has been clear: to provide high-quality, authentic content that offers a glimpse into the spirit world in a way that's respectful, engaging, and truthful. This dedication to quality over quantity, and essence over sensationalism, sets us apart in a field that's all too often clouded by the pursuit of fame or financial gain.

Navigating Criticism with Transparency

Our journey has not been without its challenges. As we've innovated and refined our techniques, we've faced criticism from skeptics and fellow paranormal researchers alike. Much of this criticism stems from a misunderstanding or, at times, jealousy of the clarity and authenticity of our communications. Unlike others in the field, we refuse to shroud our spirit replies in excessive effects or ambiguity. Our results, achieved through a combination of technical skill and spiritual sensitivity, are presented with a transparency that's rare in the paranormal community.

This transparency, however, has made us a target for those who question the validity of our work. To these critics, the clarity of our sessions suggests fabrication—a claim that couldn't be further from the truth. Our response to such accusations is not defensiveness but an invitation to understand the depth of our commitment to our viewers and the spirits we communicate with.

Upholding Community Standards

In response to attempts to pry into the proprietary aspects of our CITC Portal Device, we've maintained a stance of cautious openness. We're eager to share our knowledge and experiences with those genuinely interested in the field, but we also recognize the importance of protecting our intellectual property. This protection is not about secrecy but about preserving the integrity of our work and ensuring that our innovations remain a force for good in the paranormal community.

Harassment or inappropriate inquiries aimed at uncovering the technical specifics of our device are met with a firm but respectful boundary. Our zero-tolerance policy for such behavior is a testament to our commitment to maintaining a safe, respectful environment for both our team and our community.

Forward Together: A Call to Innovation and Integrity

As we continue our quest for truth in the paranormal realm, we invite our viewers, critics, and fellow researchers to join us in a journey marked by integrity, innovation, and a shared commitment to uncovering the mysteries of the spirit world. The path we've chosen is one of collaboration, open-mindedness, and respect—for the unseen, for each other, and for the truth that binds us all in this exploratory quest.

In the vast landscape of paranormal research, Cody ITC stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to what can be achieved when we navigate the unknown with integrity, respect, and an unwavering quest for truth. Our journey is far from over, but each step forward is taken with the confidence that comes from knowing our foundation is solid, our intentions are pure, and our community is with us, every step of the way.

Chapter 5: In the Community's Spirit

 The journey of Cody ITC within the paranormal research community is a testament to resilience, growth, and the power of unity. From the inception of our YouTube channel to the development of our ITC Family memberships and social networks, we've embarked on a path that celebrates engagement, education, and the exploration of the unknown. Our commitment to giving viewers what they desire—authenticity, clarity, and respect—has nurtured a vibrant community of spiritual beings, making us a unique and independent voice in the field of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC).

Cultivating a Community of Spiritual Beings

With over 500 members on YouTube, our community continues to expand, driven by a shared passion for understanding the unseen and a deep respect for the spiritual realm. This growth is not just in numbers but in the depth of connection and support among our members. Our ITC Family memberships offer a space for like-minded individuals to explore, learn, and contribute to the field of paranormal research, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Navigating Challenges with Unity and Strength

The path, however, has not been without its challenges. As our community has grown, so too has the attention from those who, driven by envy or skepticism, seek to undermine our work. Unethical attacks, orchestrated from the shadows of private platforms, have targeted not only our channel but also our followers. Figures like Huff and Josh have, through their actions, attempted to sow discord and doubt among our ranks.

Yet, it is in facing these challenges that our community's spirit shines brightest. Rather than succumbing to the hate and division intended by these attacks, our community has grown stronger and more tight-knit. Each attempt to tear us down has only fortified our resolve, uniting us in our dedication to explore the afterlife research with integrity and respect. This resilience is a clear message to those who oppose us: our pursuit of truth and understanding is unwavering, and our community stands together, ready to face the adversities that lie ahead.

Fostering Collaboration and Education

Beyond navigating skepticism and attacks, Cody ITC's role in the paranormal research community is marked by an unwavering commitment to collaboration and education. We believe that the pursuit of knowledge in the field of ITC and afterlife research is a collective journey, one that is enriched by sharing experiences, insights, and discoveries. Our engagements with fellow researchers, viewers, and spiritual explorers are guided by a philosophy of openness, mutual respect, and the desire to advance our understanding of the spiritual realm.

This collaborative spirit extends to our educational efforts. Through our content, memberships, and interactions, we aim to demystify the process of spirit communication, making it accessible to anyone drawn to explore the mysteries of the afterlife. Our approach is grounded in the belief that knowledge should empower, enlighten, and inspire, fostering a community that is informed, respectful, and compassionate.

Looking Forward: Unity in the Face of Adversity

As Cody ITC continues to navigate the complex landscape of paranormal research, our community remains our strongest asset. In the spirit of the community, we find not only a sanctuary from the skepticism and hostility of the outside world but also a source of inspiration and motivation to push the boundaries of what we know about the spirit world.

Together, we stand on the threshold of uncharted territories, armed with the collective wisdom and strength of our community. Our journey forward is not just about confronting the frauds in the ITC field; it's about building a legacy of integrity, collaboration, and discovery. In the community's spirit, we find the courage to explore the unknown, the resilience to withstand the challenges, and the hope for a future where the mysteries of the afterlife are embraced with an open mind and heart.

Chapter 6: Shadows of Deception Louis & "The Huffster"

The Same Misleading Claims Revealed Yet Again

Because of the repetitive nature of Louis and Huff's claims, we encourage readers to watch the original video we made as a response to these false allegations. It has since surpassed 100,000 views, and has become a beacon of hope, to those ex-viewers & victims of Steve and Josh. But for those of you simply interested in reading, that's fine too. in short, after 3 years of Joshua bringing up the same false claims and twisting the narrative of our conversations, we will continue to deny, refute, and provide proof and examples in order to stand true to what is, has and will always remain true, yet again 3 years since their obsession began with our channel. They still hold on to the same old claims that we have made a full video debunking them on CLICK HERE to watch that. Despite what Huff and Louis claim, they cannot deny the claims of fraud coming from their own fans and testimonies from grieving people who've been told to just simply get lost, because they didn't have the spare $200 bucks laying around for an intuitive reading with Mr. Louis or Huff. (More... a lot more, on customer testimonials later and the regrets from some of the victims of Louis and Huff...)

Joshua offers a premium service. 20 WHOLE MINUTES of him letting Huff's Astral Doorway run in the background, and dipping his hands in a bowl of water, all while trying to convince you on Zoom that this your loved ones! Seems exhausting... However certainty not worth $200/20mins

Most of the testimonials featured, come from emails, comments, and particularly, comments from disheartened people who found our video too late. The video's comment section has become a sad cemetery, of lost hopes and dreams, each gravestone placed by Joshua Louis, and Steve Huff's actions against their own trusting fan base. You can see endless comments left by the victims of Huff and Louis lots, having likes that amass the hundreds... All victims in some fashion to their sick, crooked, schemes! Go on, have a look for yourself...

Victims/Viewers names have been hidden so that Joshua Louis, & Steve Huff cannot go on to attack them further, causing even more harm and suffering to the victims, or their families.

The truth of the matter is, that in the realm of spiritual research, integrity and honesty are not just virtues; they are necessities. Recently, allegations have been directed towards our methods and the legitimacy of our sessions, specifically citing a conversation that supposedly took place over Facebook Messenger. The accuser, a well-known figure in the paranormal community, claims to have "evidence" from this conversation that proves our sessions are not legitimate. However, this could not be further from the truth.

The Truth Behind the Conversation

Let's set the record straight. The so-called "evidence" is nothing more than a gross misinterpretation and misrepresentation of our discussions. Over time, Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal and another less notable individual in the field, Josh, exerted pressure on us to divulge the intricacies of our algorithms and devices. Their intent? To replicate our methodology, eliminating us as potential competition. When it became clear that we would not compromise the integrity of our work, they resorted to advocating for their flawed technique of reversing celebrity interviews—a method we've always found problematic due to its high risk of producing false positives.

The Flawed Methods of a Fake Exposed

The reverse interview technique, as they proposed, has been proven time and again to be inherently flawed. Take, for example, the infamous "Lil Peep" session conducted by Huff, which was debunked due to its reliance on manipulated interview clips. Despite such debunking, they persisted in their attempts to legitimize this approach, even trying to coerce us into adopting it. This only served to raise our suspicions, prompting a deeper investigation into their practices.

Our research unveiled a startling pattern of deceit. Both individuals have been debunked multiple times for exploiting celebrity interviews and misleading their audience. A comprehensive playlist of their exposés stands as a testament to their questionable ethics CLICK HERE to check that out.

As Josh takes the path of "mediumship" through his new channel @JoshuaLouisMedium, deceiving his closest, most dedicated fans, Steve takes to the streets of India (so to say), with a renewed hope of making money, and making it big in scene of Bollywood... #SushantSinghRajput #HuffParanormal

Oh, don't worry... He since has been exposed in the press. In fact, he's become an international sensation in countries like India! News stations there love him! See our playlist HERE featuring his overnight fame in India!

Responding to the comment above, about Steve Huff's lack of exposure in the national press, it's enlightening, yet unsurprising, to observe how the narrative around him has evolved, particularly following his controversial sessions related to the late Indian celebrity Sushant Singh Rajput. Huff's venture into exploiting this tragedy did indeed capture an astonishing amount of attention, amassing over 20 million views across his four part series, predominantly from an Indian audience. This spotlight, however, was not the beacon of fame he had anticipated but rather a spotlight of scrutiny and backlash.

The crux of Huff's perceived discontent with his Indian audience stems from a stark misalignment of intentions and outcomes. Initially seeking fame and financial gain under the guise of spiritual communication, Huff found himself an overnight sensation in India—a country where spirituality is deeply interwoven into the fabric of society, and claims of spirit communication are taken with utmost seriousness. Yet, the fame he encountered was not of admiration but of critical examination.

Steve Huff's techniques, particularly his use of reversed audio clips—a method he adamantly defended and even attempted to impose on others—came under the meticulous scrutiny of audio engineers in India. Their expertise laid bare the flaws in his sessions, debunking his claims with a thoroughness that left no room for doubt. The backlash was immediate and widespread, with countless Indian YouTube channels dedicating content to expose his deceptive practices, effectively ensuring that his fraudulent claims would not ensnare others within the country.

The aftermath of this exposure left Huff in a precarious position. His subscriber count may have surged past the 1 million mark, significantly bolstered by viewers from India in the wake of his controversial videos. However, this growth was fleeting, quickly turning to widespread disdain. What remained was a channel plagued by a low CPM rates, attributed to India's lower ad revenue rates, and a burgeoning segment of his audience now openly hostile towards him, because they want him to do more Indian celebrities now. This turn of events, as Huff claims, contributed to his so-called "shadow ban," mentioned in Huff's "End of an Era" video, a state where the once widespread reach of his content is now stifled, hidden away from potential new followers.

This scenario underscores a critical lesson: the pursuit of fame and profit through exploitation, especially within realms as sensitive as spirituality and afterlife communication, is fraught with peril. Steve Huff's endeavor to capitalize on the tragic death of Sushant Singh Rajput not only exposed his opportunistic tactics but also ignited a formidable response aimed at safeguarding the integrity of spiritual beliefs and practices. As highlighted by the comment, the national, and indeed international, exposure of his actions serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the profound impact and backlash that awaits those who seek to deceive and manipulate under the guise of connecting with the beyond, as Steve Huff did.

Adding to the intricate unraveling of Steve Huff's methods, what truly cemented his notoriety—particularly among his Indian audience—was the meticulous work of audio engineers who took his claims under a microscope. Their approach was not just critical; it was forensic. By reversing the reversed audio clips Huff used, purportedly to communicate with the late Sushant Singh Rajput, these engineers embarked on a revealing journey of discovery. Their findings were not merely suggestive; they were damning.

These audio professionals managed to re-reverse the audio back to its original state, then painstakingly matched it with existing interview clips of the deceased celebrity. The accuracy of these matches was not just close; it was embarrassingly identical, mirroring the debunking efforts we undertook with another clip attributed to Huff, which originated from an ASMR YouTube channel. The replication of these techniques by the engineers yielded results so precise that it left little to the imagination regarding the authenticity of Huff's communications.

This revelation was more than just a technical exposé; it was a foundational shaking of trust. The implications of these findings led many to question the very essence of Huff's paranormal endeavors. Was he genuinely communicating with spirits, or were his audiences merely being presented with cleverly manipulated interview clips, reversed to create the illusion of otherworldly contact? The evidence laid bare by these audio engineers suggests the latter, casting a long shadow of doubt over Huff's claims of spirit communication.

The significance of this cannot be overstated. In a field where belief and skepticism walk a fine line, the integrity of the methods employed is paramount. The unraveling of Huff's techniques by audio engineers in India not only exposed the manipulative underpinnings of his sessions but also served as a stark reminder of the importance of authenticity in paranormal research. It underscored a collective responsibility to critically assess and challenge the claims made within the community, ensuring that the pursuit of understanding the afterlife is guided by honesty and a genuine desire to explore the unknown. It's ironic that Huff, once a prominent figure in this field, has now been reduced to a shadow of his former self, essentially self-imposing a ban due to his tarnished reputation.

🌟 YouTube Playlist: Bollywood Star Steve Huff

Calling Out the Real Fraud

In light of these revelations, it's clear who the real frauds are. Misleading viewers and followers, manipulating evidence, and gaslighting those who dare to question their methods—these are the tactics of individuals who have lost sight of what genuine paranormal research should be. Our refusal to fall for their ploys has not only preserved our credibility but also reinforced our commitment to conducting authentic, reliable spirit communication sessions.

The allegations against us are not only baseless (see our response to baseless claims) but also a pathetic attempt to deflect attention from their own discredited practices. By standing our ground and refusing to adopt their dubious methods, we've continued to push the boundaries of paranormal research, much to their chagrin.

In conclusion, the integrity of our sessions remains unassailable. We base our work on principles of transparency and authenticity, principles that some in the community seem to have forgotten. As we move forward, we do so with the confidence that truth and integrity will always prevail over deceit and manipulation.

Unveiling Our Technique: A Beacon of Authenticity in a Sea of Doubt & Cons

In the pursuit of genuine spirit communication, the path is fraught with skepticism and the occasional accusation. Amidst these challenges, our steadfast commitment to authenticity and integrity has been our guiding light. It’s been a journey marked not by the need for approval, but by the drive to explore and innovate beyond conventional bounds.

The Journey Beyond Conventional Methods

Years have passed, and not a single video has successfully debunked our work using celebrity interview clips. This isn’t due to luck but rather a conscious decision to stand our ground against methods we knew to be inherently flawed. Our refusal to adopt techniques that did not align with our principles of authenticity prompted us to embark on a quest for something more—something real.

The Accusations of Falsity: A Closer Look

The irony of our critics' stance is not lost on us. They label our innovative technique as "proof" of falsified content. Yet, we invite you, the discerning reader, to judge for yourself. We present our methods transparently, in stark contrast to the questionable practices employed by some in the field.

Exposing the Flaws of Reverse Interview Techniques

The technique in question, favored by our accusers, and fraudsters in the ITC Field, involves using reversed celebrity interview clips as source audio. This method is flawed by its very nature, lacking randomness and thus prone to producing false positives. When audio clips are reversed or chopped up, the original audio inevitably mixes with the output, blurring the lines between genuine spirit communication and mere audio artifacts. This method's inherent unreliability has led to numerous debunking videos, highlighting its potential for manipulation and deceit.

Our Approach: The Legitimacy of Live Internet Radio

In our quest for a more legitimate method, we turned to live internet radio. Unlike fixed, unchanging interview clips, live radio offers a dynamic and unpredictable audio source, drastically reducing the risk of false positives. We meticulously select stations that resonate with the tone and demeanor of the spirits we wish to communicate with, providing them with a voice that is as authentic as possible. This method has stood the test of time, remaining unchallenged and debunked, a testament to its efficacy and integrity.

Why They Fear Our Method

Our critics desired nothing more than for us to succumb to their flawed techniques. By doing so, we would have exposed ourselves to the same criticisms and debunkings that have tarnished their reputation time and time again. Our technique, grounded in legitimacy and real results, represents a threat to their dominance in the field—a threat they sought to neutralize by discrediting us.

Standing Tall Amidst the Shadows

Our journey has been one of constant exploration and unwavering commitment to truth. In developing our technique, we not only found a way to achieve genuine spirit communication but also established ourselves as leaders in the field, much to the dismay of those who sought to discredit us. The accusations of fraudulence thrown our way reflect not on us but on those who fear the legitimacy and authenticity of our work. As we continue on this path, we do so with the knowledge that our technique has not only withstood scrutiny but has also illuminated the way for genuine spirit communication, free from the shadows of doubt and deceit.

Proactive Measures and the Road Ahead

In our ongoing commitment to truth and integrity within the paranormal community, we find it necessary to address not just the past and present, but also to prepare for the future. Recent events have highlighted the lengths to which some, like Joshua Louis of Hope Paranormal (Creator of the #HSB1 Spirit Box App), will go to discredit and undermine the work of their peers. In response to these challenges, we're taking a proactive approach to ensure the authenticity of our work remains unblemished by unfounded allegations made by the frauds of the paranormal underworld.

Delving Deeper: Understanding the Source

We intend to purchase a copy of Joshua Louis's book, not as a gesture of support, but as a means to better understand the mindset and motivations behind his actions, and what's drove him in his dark past. By examining his own words and the narrative he chooses to present, we aim to gain insight into the troubled nature of this individual, and his approach to paranormal research. This step is not taken lightly; it is a strategic move to equip ourselves with knowledge, thereby strengthening our position against misinformation.

Unmatched in Exploration, Fearless in Execution: The CITC Channel Taking Responsive Action

Behind the scenes, our team has decided to take responsive action. While we remain committed to our principles of integrity and respect, we also recognize the necessity of defending our work and reputation. Should attacks from Joshua Louis or similar detractors continue, we are prepared to respond appropriately, and legally. Our actions will be measured, always adhering to the ethical standards that have always guided us, and our work, but we will certainly not shy away from protecting our community and insuring the protection of our channel, and reputation.

Consequences of Deceit

The path chosen by Joshua Louis, marked by deceit and unfounded accusations, carries with it consequences. We take no pleasure in the discord within our community; however, we cannot stand idly by while falsehoods are propagated by individuals with questionable intentions, and pasts. Our response will be rooted in truth, aiming to shed light on the misinformation spread by those who have strayed from the ethical conduct expected in genuine paranormal investigation.

A Unified Community

As we move forward, our focus remains on fostering a positive, supportive, and collaborative paranormal research community. We believe that unity and cooperation are our strongest assets in the pursuit of understanding the unknown. To our supporters and fellow researchers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued trust and encouragement. Together, we will continue to explore the mysteries of the paranormal world, guided by curiosity, respect, and an unwavering commitment to authenticity.

Voices of the Disenchanted Victims of Louis and Huff: Unmasking the Truth Behind the Façade

In the realm of paranormal research and spiritual guidance, trust and credibility are paramount. While we strive to foster an environment of authenticity and integrity, unfortunately, not all who claim to serve the community do so with the same principles. Joshua Louis of Hope Paranormal presents a stark contrast to these ideals, a reality borne out not just by our own observations but by the voices of many who have come to regret their encounters with his services.

The Price of False Promises

Joshua Louis has been known to charge significant sums for services ranging from private sessions and intuitive readings to spirit channeling—services that, by their nature, tread on the fine line of the unverifiable. This ambiguity has enabled him to exploit the trust of those genuinely seeking answers or comfort, leading to a growing chorus of discontent among his customer base. Reports and reviews speak to experiences where high hopes were met with outcomes that neither justified the cost nor delivered the promised insights or connections.

Victim Testimonials: Voices Of The Silenced

In the heart of our narrative lies the unwavering truth of experience—stories from those who've traversed the tumultuous waters navigated by Josh of Hope Paranormal and Steve of Huff Paranormal, only to find themselves adrift amid broken promises and unmet expectations. While our journey into the paranormal realm is underscored by a quest for authenticity and integrity, the same cannot be said for all. Below is a compilation of testimonials from actual clients, viewers, and past supporters who have felt the sting of misplaced trust in Josh and Steve. These are the voices that the entities behind Hope Paranormal and Huff Paranormal wish to silence. But truth, like water, finds its way through the cracks of deceit.

"I was a believer, a supporter... until I wasn't."

  • A former follower reflects on the disillusionment that crept in after investing both emotionally and financially into sessions that promised more than they delivered.

"Hundreds of dollars later, I'm left with nothing but regret."

  • A victim recounts the financial toll and the hollow feeling of investing in personal readings that lacked the depth and connection they were led to expect.

"It's not just about the money... It's the hope they play with."

  • Beyond the financial loss, another shares the emotional betrayal felt from placing trust in figures who exploit the vulnerabilities of those seeking solace and answers from beyond.

"I used to defend them, vehemently. Now, I just feel fooled."

  • A testimonial from a one-time staunch defender, now grappling with the realization of being manipulated by charismatic figures adept at crafting a convincing facade.

"The time I spent, the emotional energy I invested... I can't get that back."

  • Reflecting on the non-monetary investments, a viewer shares the profound sense of loss over time and emotional energy dedicated to following and supporting these individuals, now seen as squandered.

"In my darkest hour, I turned to them. I wish I hadn't."

  • A powerful account from someone who sought comfort and answers during a period of grief, only to be met with responses that deepened their distress rather than alleviating it.

Comments From Victims of Huff & Josh on YouTube:


These testimonials, each a thread in the larger web of shared experience, underscore a critical message: the quest for connection with the spirit world, when placed in the wrong hands, can lead to exploitation and disillusionment.

The voices of those impacted by the practices of Josh and Steve serve as a stark reminder of the responsibility that comes with navigating the delicate realms of paranormal research and spiritual communication.

As we continue to forge our path, guided by principles of transparency, integrity, and respect for both the living and the spirits we seek to understand, we hold these testimonials as beacons of caution. They remind us of the importance of discernment in whom we trust and underscore our commitment to providing a space where genuine exploration and healing can occur, free from the shadows of deception.

The Illusion of Renewal: Joshua Louis's Last-Ditch Effort for Redemption

In the wake of tarnished reputations and burned bridges, the tale of Joshua Louis takes a desperate turn. Recognizing the extensive damage to his credibility and the trail of disillusionment left in his wake, Louis attempts to salvage what remains of his influence through a calculated pivot—a new venture cloaked in the guise of spiritual innovation. Enter the scene: @JoshuaLouisMedium, a platform poised as a fresh start but mired in the same controversies that have plagued his past.

New Channel, Same Old Deceptions

@JoshuaLouisMedium emerges not as a beacon of genuine spiritual connection but as a strategic move to sidestep accountability. By shifting his focus to a realm where tangible evidence is even less attainable, Louis seeks to exploit the gray areas of personal intuition and mediumship. Here, in the absence of concrete spirit replies, the subjective nature of "intuitive messages" becomes his new playground—a space where skepticism is harder to pin down, and the veracity of his claims even more challenging to contest.

Preying on #Hope and Desperation

The most alarming aspect of this new endeavor is its targeted audience: Louis's most devoted followers, those whose hope and search for answers make them most vulnerable. By offering short sessions over Zoom, he not only capitalizes on the emotional investment of his audience but also on their desperation for closure and connection with lost loved ones. These sessions, often laced with vague assertions and purported intuitive insights, are designed to manipulate trust and deepen the dependency of his audience on his supposed "gifts."

The Business of Misdirection

What we witness with @JoshuaLouisMedium is not a genuine effort to provide solace or understanding but a calculated business strategy. Louis funnels his most devout and susceptible fans into a funnel of deceit, where the promise of spiritual communication is dangled as both lure and trap. The transition from public spirit box sessions to private, unverifiable intuitive readings marks a shift in tactics—aiming to shield himself from criticism under the cloak of subjectivity while continuing to profit from the grieving and the weak.

A Call to Awareness

This section serves as a cautionary tale, urging discernment and vigilance among those navigating the waters of spiritual guidance and mediumship. The transformation of Joshua Louis into @JoshuaLouisMedium is not a journey towards redemption but a maneuver to perpetuate his influence amid a crumbling reputation. As we continue to seek genuine connections and understanding beyond our physical realm, let us remain wary of those who exploit the sacred quest for personal gain.

In conclusion, the emergence of #JoshuaLouisMedium highlights the importance of scrutinizing the intentions and practices of those we turn to for spiritual insight. It underscores the need for a community built on authenticity, transparency, and genuine support—one where the quest for truth prevails over deception and where the voices of the truly gifted are not drowned out by the noise of opportunism.

Anecdotal Insights: Peering Behind the Curtain of Deception

In our efforts to shine a light on the murky practices of #JoshuaLouis, we've delved into a mountain of evidence that paints a troubling picture of his conduct both within and outside the public eye. Yet, beyond the concrete proof and the myriad of testimonies against his fraudulent activities, there lies a wealth of anecdotal evidence that further reveals the true nature of his operations. These insights not only stem from our brief and regrettable interactions with Louis on private forums but are also echoed by his own viewer base and, most tellingly, his former clients.

A Persona Unmasked

Behind the closed doors of private communications and forums, Joshua Louis reveals a side of himself far removed from the spiritual guide persona he projects publicly. With a demeanor and language more befitting someone fresh out of incarceration (in my opinion) than a purported "medium", Louis's off-camera behavior starkly contrasts the image he strives to maintain. Such revelations not only raise questions about his authenticity as a paranormal researcher and medium but also highlight the manipulative duality at the core of his character.

The True Face of a Fraudster

Joshua Louis's background and behavior sketch the portrait of an individual who is anything but the medium or paranormal researcher he claims to be. Instead, they reveal a classic fraudster with a seriously tarnished past in the paranormal—a past that cannot be masked, no matter how elaborate the deception. His baseless accusations and attempts to discredit others stand as a feeble effort to divert attention from his own dubious history as covered in his book #FindingHopeinTheAfterlife.

The Commitment to Truth

As we continue to navigate the complex landscape of paranormal and spiritual research, our commitment to exposing the truth remains unwavering. In the same manner that Joshua Louis has sought to malign us with unfounded claims, we will ensure that the reality of his actions and their impact on the community are laid bare for all to see. The forthcoming explorations into his past and present misconduct will paint a clear, unvarnished picture of the fraudulence that pervades his every endeavor within the paranormal realm, the spiritual domain, and beyond.

In conclusion, the anecdotal evidence gathered from our encounters, his clients, and his own viewer base serves to reinforce the vast body of proof against Joshua Louis (Creator of the #HSB1APP). It is a sobering reminder of the vigilance required to safeguard the integrity of our field from those who seek to exploit it for personal gain. As we move forward, let us do so with an unwavering dedication to authenticity, transparency, and the relentless pursuit of truth.

The "New Thinking Allowed" Scheme That Shook Their Viewer Base

In an era where content is king and the pursuit of views often overshadows the quest for quality, the lines between credible discourse and sensationalism can become blurred. This was vividly illustrated when Joshua Louis found a new platform on the "New Thinking Allowed" YouTube channel, a decision that not only surprised those familiar with his contentious past but also sparked a wave of skepticism among the channel's viewers.

Debra Lynne Katz PhD: The Teacher/Student Scheme Unraveled

The interview, conducted by Debra Lynne Katz, PhD, author of You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing, Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic Abilies, and Freeing the Genie Within: Manifesting Abundance, Creativity, and Success in Your Life. She is coauthor, with Jon Knowles, of Associative Remote Viewing: The Art and Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Politics, Finances, and the Lottery. Debra currently serves as President of the International Remote Viewing Association. This interview conducted by #DebraLynneKatz, intended as a legitimate exploration of spiritual and paranormal phenomena, quickly revealed itself to be more of a calculated maneuver than an earnest discussion. What became apparent was that the majority of the audience comprised a small circle of Louis's unwavering supporters, alongside bewildered fans of "New Thinking Allowed." These fans, accustomed to thoughtful and rigorous exploration of ideas, found themselves questioning the direction of a channel that once stood as a beacon of intellectual curiosity and integrity, Thanks to the teacher/student scheme brought about by Joshua Louis, and his Debra Lynne Katz, PhD on the #NewThinkingAllowed channel. 


This begs the question, how closed minded is the new thinking allowed channel? Ironic, isn't it? But not in this ream of the paranormal... This is to be expected from Josh. But his association with Debra Lynne Katz, PhD, brings into question the validity of her practices, and claims...

Reflections on Integrity in Content Creation

This episode serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges facing content creators in today's digital landscape. The allure of views and the pressure to engage audiences can sometimes lead to compromises on quality and credibility. As we navigate this world of constant information and entertainment, it's crucial for both creators and viewers to remain vigilant, questioning the authenticity and motivations behind the content we consume and promote.

In conclusion, the "New Thinking Allowed" interview with Joshua Louis not only sheds light on the intricate web of relationships and motivations in the paranormal community but also sparks a broader conversation about integrity in content creation. As we move forward, let us strive for a balance between engaging audiences and maintaining the principles that ensure the trust and respect of those audiences for years to come.

The Obsession: Unraveling Josh Louis's Obsessive & Compulsive Fixation With The Cody ITC Channel.

In the complex world of human behavior, obsession can manifest in countless forms, ranging from the benign to the destructive. Within the confines of our community, Joshua Louis exemplifies a particularly disruptive pattern of fixation that borders on obsession. His actions, driven by a deep-seated need for attention and validation, echo the destructive frenzy of a rabid raccoon in a chicken coop—reckless, voracious, and heedless of the harm caused.

The Nature of the Fixation

Joshua Louis's preoccupation with our community and our work has evolved beyond mere rivalry or competition; it has become an addiction. The RUSH he experiences from targeting us, from attempting to tarnish our name and credibility, is akin to an adrenaline surge—a compulsion that feeds his craving for visibility and relevance. It seem it is required for him to commit act like these every now and again to feed his hunger for drama and attention

The "Truth Bomb". A scheme Joshua has seemed to become a master of, and something he NEEDS every now and then the his cravings start to come on... The "Truth Bomb" feeds his need for attention and views through associative fame, a skill he honed through his years of partner ship with Huff Paranormal.

This obsession is not fueled by a desire for constructive engagement or the pursuit of truth but by a lust for the views, attention, and associative fame that come from mentioning us and stirring controversy.

The Consequences of a Destructive Pursuit

Much like the chaotic and destructive path left by a wild animal in its wake, Louis's actions have far-reaching implications. His relentless attacks and attempts to affiliate himself with our work have not only sown discord but have also diverted valuable attention and resources away from genuine research and exploration. This behavior undermines the very essence of what our community stands for: collaboration, respect, and a shared commitment to understanding the unknown.

The Sad Irony of Rejection

At the heart of Louis's obsession lies a funny irony: his desperation for acceptance and acknowledgment from those he relentlessly seeks to discredit. His attempts to align himself with figures like Huff Paranormal, and indeed his efforts to insert himself into our narrative, reveal a deep yearning for recognition and approval. It's a tragic cycle, where his actions, driven by obsession and addiction, only serve to further alienate him from the community he seeks to be a part of. Much like a drug addiction that has complete control over an individual, Josh will stop at nothing to get his next fix in the ITC Community, or really, any other community or channel he can get his hands on... Let's pray for Josh, and hope he gets the help he needs.

Moving Beyond the Chaos

As we navigate the challenges posed by such disruptive forces within our field, it's crucial to remember the core values that unite us. Our focus must remain steadfast on advancing our understanding of the paranormal, fostering an environment of mutual respect, and encouraging healthy discourse. Let us not be derailed by the compulsive actions of individuals lost to their obsessions but instead, let us rally together, strengthening our bonds and our commitment to the pursuit of truth.

In conclusion, while Joshua Louis's fixation on our community may provide him with temporary relief to his deep seated need for attention, it is a hollow pursuit that ultimately detracts from his own growth and the collective advancement of paranormal research. It's a reminder to us all of the importance of integrity, respect, and the pursuit of genuine knowledge over the fleeting rush of controversy and conflict.

Chapter 7: The Ethereal Connection

In the vast, uncharted expanse of the paranormal realm, the Cody ITC channel and the ITC Family navigate with a compass of belief, spirituality, and an unwavering commitment to ethical engagement with the entities we encounter. Our journey is underpinned by a profound respect for the mysteries that lie beyond our physical senses, and a belief in the transformative power of manifestation and meditation. This chapter delves into the core principles that guide our explorations, illuminating the path of ethereal connection that we tread.

The Power of Meditation and Manifestation

At the heart of our practice lies meditation—a tool that not only prepares us for spirit box sessions but also deepens our connection to the non-physical realms. Through meditation, we attune ourselves to the subtle frequencies of the spirit world, opening channels for clearer, more meaningful communication. It is a process of quieting the mind and listening intently, allowing messages and guidance to flow through us with greater ease.

Our belief in manifestation shapes the very fabric of our reality. We hold that through focused intention and belief, we actively participate in the creation of our experiences, drawing to us the energies and entities aligned with our path. This principle of manifestation extends to our interactions with the spirit world, where our intentions can open doors to worlds yet undiscovered and facilitate information downloads from the universe.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

The journey into the paranormal is, at its core, a journey of self-discovery. Regardless of one's belief system or religious background, we are each walking a unique path, guided by an internal compass that leads us towards personal enlightenment and understanding. The ITC Family is a testament to this diversity of experience, embracing individuals from all walks of life, united in their curiosity and pursuit of knowledge about the non-physical realms.

Our explorations touch on many facets of the non-physical, from the communication with spirits to the reception of universal knowledge. These encounters serve not only as proof of the existence beyond the physical but also as milestones on our individual journeys of growth and understanding.

Ethical Engagement with the Spirit World

Central to our mission is the ethical treatment of the entities we encounter. We approach each session with respect, compassion, and a sense of stewardship for the energies we engage with. This ethical stance stems from a recognition of the spirits as once-living individuals, each with their own stories, emotions, and desires. By honoring these entities, we foster a space of mutual respect and understanding, where meaningful exchanges can occur.

Our commitment to ethical engagement extends beyond mere protocol; it is a reflection of our broader philosophy that respects all forms of consciousness, whether embodied or ethereal. It is a reminder that in the vastness of the universe, our shared existence is intertwined, and our actions ripple through the fabric of reality, impacting realms seen and unseen.

Conclusion: Manifesting Our Path Forward

As we continue to navigate the ethereal landscapes of the spirit world, our beliefs in meditation, manifestation, and ethical engagement serve as beacons, guiding us toward deeper connections and understanding. The journey is as much about the discovery of external realms as it is about the exploration of our inner selves, revealing the profound connection between the two.

The ITC Family stands at the forefront of this exploration, a community united in its quest for knowledge and the ethical pursuit of paranormal research. Together, we manifest our reality, each journey unique, each discovery a testament to the power of belief, spirituality, and the ethereal connections that bind us all.

Chapter 8: Horizons of the Unseen 

In the ever-evolving landscape of paranormal research, the Cody ITC channel and the ITC Family stand as beacons of integrity and authenticity amidst the murky waters rife with deception. As we chart the course towards the future, our vision extends beyond the current tumult—towards a horizon where the field is purified of the charlatans that cloud its potential. Among our most fervent hopes is the cultivation of a community untethered from the shadows cast by figures like Joshua Louis, whose obsessive and detrimental behaviors have only served to hinder the progress of genuine spiritual exploration.

Envisioning a Future Free of Deception & Scandals

The future we envision for ITC is one of openness, where the dark corners inhabited by the so-called "paranormal underworld" are illuminated by the light of truth and sincerity. Our goal is not just to navigate these troubled waters but to change the course of the stream itself—eradicating the influence of individuals who exploit the vulnerabilities of those seeking solace and understanding through spirit communication. In this future, the ITC community thrives as a place of genuine discovery, untainted by the greed and ego that currently plague it.

Empowering Individual Practitioners

A cornerstone of our vision is the empowerment of individuals to explore the realms of spirit communication on their own terms. We firmly believe in the accessibility of this field to everyone—regardless of their background or experience. Through our platform, we aim to demystify the process of spirit communication, providing the tools, knowledge, and guidance necessary for anyone to achieve clear and meaningful connections with the spirit world. This commitment to education and empowerment stands in stark contrast to the practices of those who seek to gatekeep the field for personal gain.

Breaking the Paranormal Monopoly

The current landscape, often dominated by figures who self-style themselves as gatekeepers or chosen ones, like Steve Huff, and his accomplice Joshua Louis, is ripe for change. Our hope is to dismantle this "paranormal monopoly," opening the field to a diverse array of voices and perspectives. By encouraging passionate researchers to embark on their own journeys of discovery, we can foster an environment where innovation and collaboration flourish, free from the constraints of ego and exclusivity.

A Vast Field of Passionate Researchers

Looking ahead, we imagine a paranormal research community that is vibrant, vast, and varied. A community where passionate researchers are excited to share their findings, where collaboration and mutual respect are the norms rather than the exception. In this future, the pursuit of spirit communication is recognized not as a means to exploit others financially but as a genuine exploration of the unseen realms that surround us.

The Journey Continues

As we reflect on the path traversed by the Cody ITC channel, it's evident that our journey through the enigmatic world of paranormal research has been both challenging and profoundly rewarding. Amidst a landscape dotted with deception, our resolve has only strengthened, binding us closer in our pursuit of truth and our stand against the dark corners of afterlife research. The presence of frauds and charlatans within the field, far from deterring us, has galvanized our commitment to integrity, unity, and the relentless quest for understanding the unseen.

United Against Adversity

Our unity in the face of adversity is our greatest strength. The challenges posed by the frauds of afterlife research and the criminals who've sought refuge in our community have only served to solidify our resolve. We reject the notion of being mere tenants in a domain marred by deceit. Instead, we claim our rightful place as stewards of truth in a field that calls for the utmost respect and ethical conduct. Our response to any attempts at disruption or defamation by these unnotable figures has been, and will continue to be, measured and resolute.

Legal Readiness and Community Protection

Our dedication to protecting the integrity of our work and the safety of our community is unwavering. We stand ready to employ all necessary measures, including legal action, to address and neutralize threats posed by those who choose to engage in harmful practices. The prospect of entangling their associates in the consequences of their actions serves not as a tactic of aggression, but as a deterrent—a clear message that the repercussions of deceit and manipulation extend far beyond the individuals directly involved.

Forward Momentum

Looking ahead, we remain committed to advancing the field of paranormal research with transparency, innovation, and a deep respect for the entities we communicate with. Our journey is far from over; it is a continuing exploration into the depths of the unknown, driven by a passion for discovery and a reverence for the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.

A Promise of Persistence

You can expect our journey to be marked by further releases, refutations, and behind-the-scenes efforts aimed at preserving the integrity of our research and community. Our approach to addressing and neutralizing attacks will be proactive and persistent, ensuring that the foundations we've built remain strong in the face of any challenges that lie ahead.

The Quest for Knowledge Beyond the Veil

As we move forward, our eyes remain fixed on the horizons of the unseen, our hearts open to the lessons and connections that await us. The Cody ITC channel and the ITC Family stand as a testament to what can be achieved when curiosity, integrity, and unity converge in the pursuit of understanding the afterlife. Our journey continues, fueled by the shared belief that knowledge beyond the veil is not only possible but essential for the growth and enrichment of us all.

In conclusion, our journey through the realms of paranormal research is a testament to resilience, dedication, and the unwavering quest for truth. As we navigate the complexities and challenges of this field, we do so with the confidence that truth, integrity, and the pursuit of genuine knowledge will always light our way.


At the heart of every journey lies the collective spirit and dedication of those who walk the path alongside us. As we bring our exploration of "Finding Frauds in The Afterlife" to a close, it is with profound gratitude that we turn our attention to the invaluable contributors, supporters, and members of our community who have made this endeavor not only possible but deeply meaningful.

To the ITC Team, whose diligence and unwavering commitment to truth have been instrumental in our research and compilation efforts. Your dedication to unveiling the facts and safeguarding the integrity of paranormal research has been the cornerstone of our success. This book stands as a testament to your hard work, keen insights, and relentless pursuit of authenticity.

To our fans and the ITC Family, your support transcends mere words. Through comments, emails, and countless other expressions of solidarity, you have shown that together, we are a formidable force against deceit. Your vigilance and unwavering support in calling out the deceptive practices of individuals like Joshua Louis (HOPE Paranormal & @JoshuaLouisMedium) and Steve Huff (Huff Paranormal) have reinforced the foundations of our community. Your dedication to truth and integrity is the lifeblood of our channel, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

To my viewers, your engagement and encouragement fuel our mission and strengthen our resolve. Your keen eyes, open hearts, and readiness to stand up for what is right empower us to continue our work with renewed vigor. I am humbled by your loyalty and inspired by your passion for justice and truth in the paranormal field.

A word of encouragement and caution: I urge everyone within our community to proceed with discernment and protection. Engaging with individuals who have shown a propensity for deceit requires caution. Let this book serve as a guide and a shield against the manipulations of those who seek to profit from the genuine quest for understanding the afterlife. Share this knowledge, spread the word, and let us fortify our ranks with the truth.

Looking to the future, our aspirations soar beyond merely exposing fraudulence. We aim to challenge and surpass the narratives peddled by those who seek to deceive. With your support, we look forward to publishing this work, standing as a beacon of truth against the misleading claims found in works like Joshua Louis's "Finding Hope in The Afterlife." Together, we can shift the narrative and shine a light on the authentic pursuit of paranormal research.

In closing, this journey is far from over. Our resolve is only strengthened by the challenges we face and the support we receive. To everyone who has been a part of this project, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your contributions, support, and belief in our mission have not only made this book possible but have also ignited a flame of hope and integrity that will continue to guide us forward.

Join us on this ongoing journey, as we strive to close the mouths of deception with the undeniable power of truth. Together, let us pave the way for a future in paranormal research that is rooted in authenticity, respect, and an unwavering commitment to uncovering the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.


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