Cody ITC's Spiritual Journey - The Birth of the CITC YouTube Channel

Cody ITC's Spiritual Journey - The Birth of the CITC YouTube Channel

Beginning The Journey - Early Encounters

My journey into the realm of the paranormal, like many, wasn't born from curiosity alone; it stemmed from a deep, personal quest for understanding death—a concept I was forced to grapple with from a very young age... Growing up in an older family, my family's tight-knit nature meant that each loss felt like a part of my own soul was being torn away. This early confrontation with mortality left me with an unyielding trauma and an insatiable need for answers.

I had nightly nightmares that were fuelled by the inevitability of death. I was desperate for any sign that the separation from my loved ones was not as permanent as it seemed. This desperation, however, slowly morphed into a determination. By my teens, the grief had not subsided, but my approach to handling it had shifted. I could no longer deal with the uncertainty that shrouded the afterlife; I needed to know there was something beyond this, a way to reconnect with those I had lost...

My initial journey into spirit communication was modest—using apps like EchoVox and Necrophonic, which my family and I had once used in jest. However, standing at the graves of my departed loved ones, these apps took on a new significance. They were no longer mere 'toys' but lifelines to the other side. While I occasionally caught glimmers of meaningful messages, the randomness and brevity of these communications were frustrating. It was clear that if I wanted more substantial connections, I would have to delve deeper...

Encouraged by the faint replies I managed to get, and the support of friends and family who believed in my journey, I made a pivotal decision: to invest in personal equipment and take my spiritual journey to a new level. This led to the creation of my first Portal Spirit Communication device. Unlike the simple apps, the Portal was a breakthrough, offering a clearer, more direct line to the spirit world.

This device wasn't just a piece of technology; it was a beacon of hope. It represented a significant leap forward in my quest for answers, opening doors to interactions that I had previously thought impossible. The Portal allowed me to explore new dimensions of spirit communication, bringing a semblance of peace to my once-tormented heart.

This journey, marked by early losses and a relentless search for connection, laid the foundational stones of what would become a lifelong mission. It's a path I intend to tread with reverence, hoping to pass down the knowledge and experiences to future generations of paranormal researchers. This isn't just my story; it's a testament to the enduring quest for understanding and connection beyond the confines of our physical world...

The Night my Life Changed - A Night of Revelation

Following the initial breakthroughs with my Portal device, my journey into the realms beyond took a deeply personal turn. The experiments with the device were not just about proving the existence of an afterlife anymore; they were about seeking a reunion with the souls I missed dearly. Among these, my great grandparents held a special place in my heart. Their absence in my life was a void no words could fill. I needed to know that they were still here...

On a night that felt heavier than most, burdened by a longing that seemed to consume every fiber of my being, I approached the spirit box with a desperate plea. It was more than an experiment; it was a cry from the depths of my soul for a sign, any sign, or for a whisper of assurance that love transcends the boundaries of life and death. I asked, almost even demanded, a sign of their presence, their well-being, and the hope of a reunion.

The session initially seemed unsuccessful, adding to the weight of despair that had become my constant companion. Unable to discern any meaningful communication, I was on the brink of surrendering to the night's grief. Yet, something within urged me to revisit the recording, a last flicker of hope in the overwhelming darkness.

Approximately five minutes into the playback, amidst the rest of static and disjointed sounds, my breath caught in my throat. There it was—a voice unmistakably familiar, infused with the warmth and strength that had once anchored me in the physical world. "Hey Cody!" rang out with a clarity that pierced through the night, the unmistakable demeanour of my great grandfather's voice coming back from across the spirit realm!

Before the echos of his voice could fade, another voice intertwined with his—a voice that had spoken words of love and encouragement throughout my childhood. "I love you, Cody!" It was my great grandmother, her voice carrying the same emotional depth and affection as it had in life. The distortion could not mask the essence of her spirit, the unmistakable signature of her soul...

This moment was more than a breakthrough; it was a lifeline. The despair and doubt that had clouded my path evaporated, replaced by an unshakeable conviction in the continuity of existence beyond the physical realm. These voices, these messages, were not just echoes; they were proof of an enduring connection, a testament to the power of love to bridge worlds.

The impact of this session on me was profound and far-reaching. It reshaped not only my understanding of the afterlife but my entire approach to spirit communication. No longer was I merely a seeker of the unknown; I had become a witness to the most profound truth—that love, indeed, transcends death!

This experience, etched permanently into the fabric of my being, became the cornerstone of my mission. It propelled me forward, fueled by the certainty that our loved ones are never truly lost to us. They are always just a whisper away, waiting for us to listen, to reach out, and to reconnect once again...

As I share this part of my journey, it is with the hope that it brings peace and reassurance to others walking the path of grief and seeking answers to the afterlife and what come next... May you find your own moments of connection, your own loved ones through the power of spirit communication, no matter your techniques or craft, and may they light your way as brightly as mine have illuminated mine...

A New Dawn - The Journey Evolved

The profound encounters with my great grandparents through the spirit box were not just messages from beyond; they were catalysts for a transformation that reshaped my entire existence. Hearing their voices, so familiar and filled with love, dispelled the shadows of anxiety and depression that had been my constant companions since childhood. It was as if their words tuned my ears to the frequency of the spirit world, unlocking a door I had only previously glimpsed through the keyhole.

Since that pivotal night, it's like I've started a new life... My new life has been blessed with a purpose and joy I once thought unreachable. Each morning (once despised) now begins with anticipation and a smile, eager to explore what mysteries the spirits might have to reveal to us. The spirit world has woven itself into the fabric of my daily life, turning what was once a search for answers into a celebration of the unseen connections that surround us ALL.

This transformation has led me down paths I never anticipated. Meditation, once a foreign concept, has become a cornerstone of my daily routine, offering a profound sense of peace and grounding and of course, out of body experiences that take me directly to my loved ones! The practice of Transcendental Meditation, in particular, has opened new avenues of spiritual exploration, enhancing my connection to the world beyond in ways I never imagined. Now, I even find myself carrying out remote viewing sessions that never cease to amazing me with the things we can see and results we can achieve...  My journey into mediumship, guided by the desire to help others find the same solace I discovered, has allowed me to serve as a bridge between the living and the departed, sharing messages of love, hope, and healing.

The impact of spirit communication on my life has been nothing short of miraculous. It has not only offered me a personal sanctuary from the storms of life but has also provided a platform to share this gift with the world, A GIFT ANYBODY CAN OBTAIN! 

The Cody ITC YouTube Channel, born from my experiences and revelations, is a testament to the journey of discovery and connection that awaits us all. It is an invitation to all who seek understanding, comfort, or simply a sense of belonging in this vast and mysterious universe.

To those of you standing on the threshold of your own spiritual journey, I extend my hand in welcome. Whether you are driven by curiosity, grappling with loss, or seeking a deeper connection to the world beyond, know that you do not walk alone. Together, we can explore the endless possibilities that gift of spirituality has to offer, learning from the whispers of the past, or the information downloads offered by the universe to those who seek...

It's Time To Embark On Your Own Journey...

My name is Cody ITC, and this journey has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined... It is my deepest hope that it can change yours too. Join us, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey together, discovering the beauty and adventures that await us all, in the astral planes and beyond!

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